You can help someone today! Someone who might be the same age as you.

For example Sandrine Uwaritatse she was born deaf. The same age, but a completely different life. She has no father and mother any more. She only lives with her very old ill grandparents. Who can take care of her? She now lives under FHR care and support. And because someone from England helps her, she can go to school, she gets food and is taken care of when she is sick.

But there are many more children like Sandrine who still have no one to care for them. That’s why you are so important. Because you can help! Cool huh?

Share your story

We share these stories and victories with our dedicated supporters around the world.

Take Action

Come up with a great campaign together with your class to raise money for the deaf and deaf blind children in Rwanda.
What do you think, for example, of an empty bottle promotion, a roller-skating tour, earning money with a scratch card or selling candy rolls?

Bob for a job

Do you also want to do chores for other people? If you tell them that it is for deaf and deaf blind children in Rwanda, you might get something in return. If you do a lot of chores, these children can also go to school.
Think of something fun and tell us how you can help children in Rwanda. Who knows, your idea might end up on the website. Have you got some already email to: